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Personal Seminar (6 Day) Hybrid Program

Dear Friend in Breath,

We are so excited to bring the Transformational Breath® Foundation’s Personal Transformational Hybrid-Seminar to several locations, March 26-31, 2023. This Seminar presents the finest tools, transformational skills and techniques to facilitate your rapid realization of higher consciousness. This transformed consciousness is what will create for you a more joyful and abundant life. This new hybrid format of the Seminar, consists of some online presentations by Dr. Judith Kravitz, herself, as well as several in-person smaller groups called “pods” in various locations. We are able to offer social distancing and a safe environment using this format. Currently, pods will be available on the West Coast, East Coast, Mountain and Central time zones.

During the course of the Seminar, we will breathe twice a day, explore Byron Katie work with freedom from judgments, practice the Eckhart Tolle Power of Now, journey with guided meditations, and Michael Brown’s Presence Process. We will also work with toning and sound healing, explore the body with body mapping and meditational movement, advanced higher chakras breaths and many more exciting adventures. We will experience underwater (or simulated underwater), partner and mirror breathing sessions in the final days of the Seminar. You will soon find your world filled with more inner peace, balance, stability, clarity and joy.

To register please email me at

Cost: $1950 , or pre-register by 3/5: $1750